Something's gotten hold of my heart
For him the song took a whole new meaning,
a control that made him wish to control others.
“Something's gotten hold of my heart”
an evil, a darkness
he mused on midnight
and the encroaching demonic hours.
3am and a stereo's blazing in a stolen Volkswagen Beetle
inaudible white noise, a prerequisite
for the red mist to follow.
“He seemed so likeable”,
assumptions are funny things.
Not funny ha-ha
but the narcissistic humour
of self-glorifying madmen
that just had
one bad day
that changed everything.
They make killing a joke,
he made it his life's work.
As he sat in that chair,
cafés and work canteens across the Atlantic
enjoyed the remnants of a British winter
riding radio waves,
singing Something's gotten hold of my heart.