The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


When April's sun shines and sings
there's a certain merry mischief
in the precise deft unfolding
of every pale green leaf.

Even world weary hearts dance
as late winter’s shadows lift,
exulting in a stolen chance
to unwrap a precious gift

To hear another's breathing,
to catch a hidden smile,
to see a return in a leaving,
is to dance while life is fragile.

A finest moment stretches
into the fullest hour,
which in turn then reaches
a week, a month, a year.

A life so large it must be lived,
can't waste a precious day
while earth's colours are still vivid
we must take time to play.




◄ Grandpa's plot

Moonshine ►


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Robert Mann

Mon 30th Apr 2012 19:54

I would personally change the last stanza slightly - I don't like the scanning of lived and vivid. How about;
A life so bright, never livid, etc.
Just a suggestion, as I really like the rest of the poem a great deal.

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Phillip Kelly

Sun 22nd Apr 2012 11:50

for me .....stanza 3 stood magnsificently written and flows well, with emphasis on this stanza from the repetition and paralellism, convey the underlying theme of the play, take a chance on love ........despite being fragile, and hurt a word......CARPE DI EM ( SEIZE THE DAY ) poetry writing is ocalised on parallinguistic poems ....very similar to style of stanza 3, i currently have 4 paralinguistic poems in my writers journal that i not yet uploaded on here.

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Phillip Kelly

Sun 22nd Apr 2012 11:46

hi ALISON, love this poem, it uses similar style to my sort of poems that im writing.....only you utilise it more effectively and to greater purpose....IM IMPRESSED with this poem.....the comparisons of Spring and winter in first to paragraphs work well, and their connotations suggest to me that the speaker has lived cold sheltered, lonely life recently ( winter ), but is now starting to grow and sprout out and love again temperatures rise and sun comes out ( SPRING, NEW LIFE AND SEEING ATTRACTIVE PERSON TO FLIRT WITH )........

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winston plowes

Wed 11th Apr 2012 21:50

Hi Alison. Nice poem. "the precise deft unfolding of every pale green leaf." was a stand out line for me but enjoyed the positivity of the whole, You have not converted me as I believe anyway. lol.

Hey, Chris Hoy did an incredible swoop in the Keirin don't you think and as for the rising star that is Ms Trott, she gave everything and was rewarded.

Win x

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