the animal instinct
The gunner chased the little white dots
on his radar screen
In infra red
Ironic they show up white
Bet your bottom dollar they would surender
Under might of metal jacket
Ejaculated from muzzle
With your sadistic finger on the trigger
tripped out beyond your training
The drill instructor
Between the lines said drill them
You interpret it as 'kill them'
Rightly so you think
But they are humans
With arms just like you
With smiles just like you
scatter now the white ants
Disappearing promptly in clouds
Gone to the gunning sycophants of war
Women, children, insurgents, who cares
When totting up a people kill score
Far from touching the white eyes of war
In your jeeps
Your ‘hell-e-copters’
Your e coli spreading foot loppers
Your daisy cutting head choppers
With a warrior like look in your eye
Killing white dots
As body parts fly
You applied your skill
In a most destructive manner
Then broadcast it
Sickenly pretty you hammer home
the message On you-tube
proud soldier
yankee laugh out
a clone of the animal instinct.
Sun 10th May 2009 01:51
Très brillant... tu sais écrire avec beaucoup de passion : )