Miniature Gods
I was sat at a table when these words flew from pen to paper
Thence from my keyboard type transposes it to electronic page
Sitting there with row upon regimental row of tablet
Spread before me like cadets on a passing out parade, awaiting postings
Pills of every hue, shape and functionality, through their barrette skyward
They all get posted to mind and body control central
Aboard pill trains, transporting a week’s supply ready for distribution
Each lozenge seemed to cast their beady little arrogant eyes back at me
Thinking that they are some sort of miniature gods, as I overt my gaze
My body’s functionality now being enslaved by their powers
Their tied of influence was high and still the waters rose
Sometimes I felt I was outside, alone in an unnamed world
Where inhabitants built their houses on pains floodplain
Discomfort lurked in the darkness plotting infiltrations across my bodyscape
Rebellious thoughts infiltrate my mind, cutting out reason and common sense
‘I won’t take all my tablets today’ and ‘I can survive without taking them all today’
So, like an idiot, I miss few, change the time I take the rest
For a while I feel great, thinking I have got one over on those dictators
The drugs influence reduces, and it’s a victory for the slaves, or is it
Discomfort brings the darkness inside me, joins forces with pain
Blackness as black as the bottom of an unlit coalmine envelops bodyscape
Common sense and reason find torches in a cupboard of my mind
Their beams puncture the 200 foot of pitch black mass within me
Like lightning bolt it sews its way across inner sky revealing the damage
Whole blocks of houses on pains floodplain, gone, leaving millions homeless
Pain and discomfort have also moved into areas previously unaffected
Now the drug regime is back in control, and I’ve a new pill god to worship
I take full medication on time; body control is back, all hail miniature gods
© Phil Golding 29/11/08