RHYMES FOR 'ORANGE' - two in a single sonnet !
(Verse written in part-payment for detective fiction bought from Mrs Ann Green)
Of all the things that come to me in boxes :
Tea, books, crockery, certain parts of foxes,
Postcards of Margate; stage awnings of Ben Nevis,
Or small still-animate occupants of corner, fold or crevice -
There's one that stirs the pen and makes its bid for glory,
Squawks, softly jabs to beg a few lines for its story :
Neither bird nor biscuit, superbeing nor plane,
Entirely flightless though it bears an avian name ;
Its colour quite unnatural : often orange
(That word, oh rhymer, such a challenge to your inge-
nuity, smelling of the lamp and creaking like a door hinge).
In another guise the creature's sometimes seen,
And thus brings joy to one who likes
Her Penguins white
An' Green.
(Wishing yesterday to consult the controverial Bronte-theorising in chapter 9 of Cold Comfort Farm, I found myself with a charming pre-war Penguin edition, vividly reminding me of the time when I bought a collection of vintage green-and-white Penguin detective fiction after tough negociation : eventually this poem was successfully offered in addition to the cash.)