The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

My Angel Visited My Dreams Tonight

entry picture


My angel visited my dreams tonight

And looked at me with sweet delight.

Listen-he said, and my heart gashed,

Crystal world of dreams has crashed.


I am leaving you, I’m fed up and sick

To save you from the mistakes in lyric,

Love is only and only an earthly thing,

Without my help you will better sing.


Don’t fly away, - I begged him kindly,

Give advice how to live not blindly

Whom to forget and whom to listen to

Whom to believe and dedicate my life.


I am not an expert to give any advice

Many times was fooled, it wasn’t nice,

You forgive me, I don’t like a fraud,

I am not an adviser, you are with God.


At least protect me from love mistakes,

From falling in love and heart-breaks,

Send me happiness and joyful smiles,

Not bitter tears with one who riles.


Oh no! - He uttered with a kind smile,

I will leave you for a while without a guile,

You won’t be able to see where real love is

If you are not deceived. Forgive me, please!


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 24th of July, 2012






◄ Oh, My Darling Odessa!

It Costs Nothing ►


<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 27th Jul 2012 21:30

Lovely poem Larisa.
We hope your health is improving.xx

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