The Battalion of Hearts
Hearts battalion
I fought the battalion of hearts
As spades turned from hearts
As the brigadiers fought with hearts
But when it ended I it left hurt
The battalion of hearts was fought in mind
Trying to relax and get her out of my mind
As I was stubbed in heart and left naked in mind
In not thinking properly , I was messed in mind
I fought the war days and night
As I struggled to drive them out of sight
They joined the war and helped her to fight
And the commandos I heard were betrayers in fight
They entered my territory with a big bang
They enticed my lady with beers and bang
The enemies made her to see me like dung
Coz every time I fought for her but with me she was done
Being a holy war Christians was the dominations
So the thing we avoided made fell for the temptation
And every time I was praying beer was chanting incarnations
So I left her to go to avoid embarrassment session
Days passed as I heard about her stories
How she was betrayed by the enemies in her history
And that’s when I knew I had written a story
I was all over the books coz I had changed a history
Coz I fought the battalion of hearts
As she turned spades to hearts
Thinking she had won the game of hearts
But I had a joker to finish it at last
That’s how I won the battalion of hearts.