The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


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About many famous cities we can talk:

London, Paris, Naples or New York,

But when you walk along Odessa

You will love our principessa

If you are wise enough and not a bore.


The fact is such,

The fact is such:

There’s no city in the world

I love so much.


You will smile to the famous Duke,

From the second hatch at him you’ll look

And if he gives you the welcoming hand

You will have to understand

That Odessa is the smile of God.


The fact is such,

The fact is such:

There’s no city in the world

I love so much.


The girls in our city are the pearls,

God gave them sense of humor and a charm.

You come here and you will see

The beauty of the bluest sea

And you will be surprised but not alarmed.


The fact is such,

The fact is such:

There’s no city in the world

I love so much.


And Sasha Pushkin was an odessite,

As here he recalled a wonderous moment

He cursed and praised our and his Odessa

Because he really loved principessa,

Which was and is and always bright.


The fact is such,

The fact is such:

There’s no city in the world

I love so much.


You can go any place you like

To New York, Paris or even London,

All of them are really so nice,

But in Odessa you'll be certainly surprised

By the smell of sea, acacia, cherry, linden...


The fact is such,

The fact is such:

There’s no city in the world

I love so much.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 2nd of September, 2012.


Today is the 2nd of September, and it’s the greatest holiday here in Odessa. My Mum Odessa celebrates her birthday. So, I had to write this poem.









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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 6th Sep 2012 17:38

Thank you dear Lynn for the comment.

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Lynn Dye

Wed 5th Sep 2012 09:29

I enjoyed this, Larisa - it's great to have pride in your hometown, and from all I have seen, it is a beautiful city. I think this would make a good song :-) xx

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