Squash Kill Bulldozer
Squash Kill Bulldozer
Madman drives his beloved pink fifteen ton bulldozer, named Sheila, at a civilian bus packed full of screaming innocent civilians. Bang! No mercy here as our dear madman reverses and guns the throttle to do it again. More metal shouts under protest and glass shatters. Dozer driver judged it just right, metal dozer blade impacts the side of the yellow bus at head level. Crunch!
Heads go a poppin' and roll down the road, severed bloodily. The diesel tank is holed and illegal red diesel gushes prettily free. For a third time dozer man does his bit, maiming and killing. A spark ignites the fuel and those left alive, trapped on the bus, burn to death. Begging for their God won't save them.
Our mad dozer driver believes in God too but his God allows him to squash civilians to death in yellow buses. The second occasion he's done it.
Is he mad? Or loving it, psychopath style? Dozer killer man and his heavy metal machine. Coming to a city near you. Soon.