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Individuality, Categories 1-7

This is from my samples section...


Individuality, Categories 1 – 7


I was only playing at burning up
For the glamour before the real demise
Whilst always trying to collect enough words to support a world
To craft a way of living
With myself and all of you, we
The collectors of experience
Have no enduring capsule in which to save them all

Always, all around, people amazed us
Insisting on empty utterances, crude evocations
Subsisting on the scant diet of glitter and plastic
That was only the latest method of control
And turned fourteen-year-old girls into a hegemonic vanguard
Burning with spite
Waging war on individuality
Categories 1 – 7 exempted

And so we waited
Subverting conventions as though we could shock others into wakefulness
As though we were the first...

We diffuse

We, the collectors of experience
Have no enduring capsule in which to save one or all
Only fallible recollections, representations
And fading zeitgeist
Of course we cannot preserve
That which was never tangible

Years passed
And here we are
A continuous, rolling conclusion

But there we were
Cultivators of unusual attitudes
Modelled on strange antiheroes
Trying to collect enough words to support a world
To set in opposition to the stricture of ruling ideology
But we were tricked
The words are loaded 

The words are loaded

John Lowndes August 2011

◄ Reflections of an Overfed Man

Joyce's Umbrella ►


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