The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


entry picture

Blankness prevails
So white and so nothing
This canvas becomes
The wall where it hangs
Slumped at its angle
A sorrowful state
Promising nothing
So lifeless and pale
Hints of a thought
Disperse into air
Weightless and empty
And cold to the breath
This blank little canvas
May never be saved
Only waiting for someone
To rescue it’s face

◄ Waiting at the Door


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Mikhail Smith

Mon 10th Dec 2012 21:33

Alison. I think the blank canvas is more exciting - once disturbed the surface becomes a battleground - with the first brushstroke you've already lost -.

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Harry O'Neill

Wed 5th Dec 2012 14:07

It`s weird (or amusing?) to think that the `Red Wheelbarrow` school of imagary might consider your piece as an excellent `imagist` piece of work.

(after all,you can`t get more non-committal than a blank canvas).

Seriously, your words say all that needs to be said about it...well.

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