The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

soul scorcher!!

Soul Scorcher

They said one day it would happen but none of us thought it would. Us all so selfish in our own bubbles. We thought these people were mental. It came as a shock when that letter fell on my grubby shoe stained mat. My eyes bulged in horror I couldn’t understand it, it said;

“The time has arrived. You are obliged to co-operate It is in your best interest that you show no resistance, our movement will cause little disruption and normality will be resumed as soon as possible”

It was signed “OUR MAKER“. I could not for the life of me understand it, so bizarre and absurd. I raced up the stairs and rummaged through the lime wood wardrobe. Looking for my best red dress, if this was a publicity stunt then no way I was going to look a state if the press where there. Finding it, it had a small beetroot stain by the left breast button, “Oh Christ” it wont matter the camera is never that precise.

Heading to our told destination, my heart raced there were hundreds of people all heading in the same direction, no-one spoke, not a sound could be heard apart from the shoes shuffling along. No eye contact made, the air dense. A large silver building in the distance looked like we would never catch it up. A tall grey haired gentleman, crisp white suit and black tie stood at the entrance with a clipboard ticking off names with a red pen. Strange, still not a word was spoken. I entered the tall building, one wall completely covered in switches, red, yellow green, tiny writing that didn’t make sense and energy switches that glowed. What did this mean?. As I looked through an oblong panel I noticed what resembled moulds in the shape of bodies,

babies, teenagers and man. The room became warmer. People began to look flushed and agitated Eyes turning pink and flesh began to smell, hotter, burning, BURNT. We were all going in, in groups to the furnace and we could do little about it, everyone calm this made no sense at all. The final group, men and women stood in a tidy line of ten and white knuckle bones shone. Our time. Flesh was being burnt and we were moulded into others. The end or OUR world. Our souls were being merged, our characters and flaws. Everyone helpless, this would be a new world, maybe less hatred, murder or rape, but one thing was for sure, it was going to be a strange one. We were being reborn into others our bodies shared. I suppose when you sit back and think, its not unusual for a man to love a man or a woman to love a woman, a dad a daughter, a mother a son but why the need for new bodies and soul. Our maker it seems creating a future. In realisation our present world tarnished by evil so shuffling us up like a pack of cards and remoulding us, this was according to OUR MAKER the answer. First time around was a slight failure, so lets start again and end our world. One by one we were burnt and remoulded. It was the end of the world…..or so it seemed.

◄ smashed

Skull Candy!!! ►


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kerry fisher

Fri 18th Jan 2013 14:39

cheers Tony!

tony sheridan

Thu 17th Jan 2013 19:27

WOW! Take care, Tony.

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kerry fisher

Wed 16th Jan 2013 13:36

It would certainly be Hell if this was to happen imagine the consequences!!!!

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Nigel Astell

Wed 16th Jan 2013 12:58

Sounds more like the hell maker!

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