I'm the defective detective.
I marvel at the whiteness of frozen snow.
Left right upper leg.
Do you like beer?
No I like Ricky Gervais.
I'm inside the tumble dryer spinning in space.
Just made a hillinit bloody hooooot.
Why do I let the last 5 years drag me down?
Chained to me,
self destroying me from within.
I'm the Phantom Ray bombing plane with no pilot.
She ticked the opt out box and became
a peace loving vegan vampire bi-sexual lesbian called Sultry Sheba.
Dave can roll joints with his toes and smoke them with his bell end.
Curtain rail caterpillar coloured purple and beige.
Gibbering old people flying Messers over Russia.
Humbug flavoured gumdrops.
Silver beer cans tasting tinnily of champers.
Aldi luxury potatoes for tea.
Join me and talk gibberish.