Bury me In the Clouds
A person can change, right?
I'm a leopard neglecting my spots for sport
& shedding skin, trying to forget or misplace my immoralities.
I was born in brawls & cut from the knuckle of enmity
ended with a parting shot.
I've been loved, spat out and tattooed by the system you applaud.
Now I'm looking for a way out.
a second chance I thought was you.
If I can hold on too something with you, I'll take it.
I have chased the moon in every direction
recognizing faith in its erection
the thoughts of you,
& me filling your eyes with pride from writing this
...is a night-light to the boy inside.
& when lonely, I place red roses in a vase in your remembrance.
These words are effortless,
flowing and expanding like the baby's arm you once held up to the sky
& like those out-stretched limbs
veins intertwine,
bellowing through my wind pipe...out of my mouth
they become the steams of the flowers once a token of your reflection.
My tongue is the pen
blood is the ink;
This paper now a night sky, & tonight I'm dancing to Kate Bush
until I cry myself to a stand-still.
However vesper air wants the sparkle you provided,
only seen on a crystal glass spooning Moet;
adding to the rapture & empowering the Capulet you and I once shared.
So bury me in the clouds...
down here I'm just a carcass of a man missing,
a feather, wailing in the wind, recoiling with life yet destined to be
trampled and tainted due to a life surrounded by people.
To say I miss you would be an insult
an atrocity;
Knowing you do not share the earths breath with me
takes mine away.
If you where here now I would build you a church.
Find God for you in the bare bricks and under the viaducts of this town.
As I'm trying hard to find God's presents in my life
though, I cannot find anything solid as your love
to reach out to,
a life maintaining happiness is a task
I know you shall guide me to see though.
Wherever you may be.