The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

March Is In Love

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Winter was admired by March all night

He walked with her along the snowy paths

But her daughter captivated his sight,

With her he dreamed to have the baths.


In ruffled feelings he came back in the mornings

Becoming tipsy of the night’s vision.

He didn’t care about any warnings.

And his fate had quite another decision.


His darling was the spring herself

And all around with their love was favored.

The sight of Cupid and the kind elf…,

All feelings of the March were altered.


With tender passion he kindled to Virgin,

Accustomed to win and never to retreat,

Now he only his loveable spring imagined,

Love songs hundred times he could repeat.


Everything changed in him many times

One day he was gloomy, the other day bright.

Sometimes he heard only bird’s chimes

The other day he suffered or was alright.


Take his love, everyone whispered to the girl.

We’ll praise you to the God’s glory

As you are the only one for us and seas pearl.

So, darling, accept your life story.


The nature’s life is in bliss of love and happiness.

With every coming spring it is filled with love.

Diamonds sparkle in and on all new branches,

For all those who about renewal starve.


© Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 12th of March, 2013



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