The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

I Am a Woman

entry picture


I am a woman up to the tips of my hair.

I am a woman by spirit and nature.

As no one I have got an innate flair.

As no one I need a daily rapture.


I can make an elephant out of a fly,

My ‘yes’ a man can never deny.


I do not burn in the fire,

In the water I do not sink,

I know exactly who is a liar,

And know what a man think.


Of cause I can stop even a train.

And to stop a horse is not the main.


I am a woman and a man doesn’t realize

How can I wear shoes of not my size.

I can do anything to get a chocolate

Or a beautiful with emeralds bracelet.


When autumn comes I want spring,

In winter I want summer to ding.


I won’t give you any good reason

Why my mood depends on a season.

Out of the blue I’ll arrange drama

Picking the colorful makeup gamma.


But anyway, I am miracle of miracles,

My inner world always sparkles.


I am a woman! I am like a sip of wine.

With the name of God I shine.

I am a woman! But my God is a Man.

For Him I will do anything I can.


© Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 16th of March, 2013




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<Deleted User> (10123)

Wed 20th Mar 2013 12:50

The female of the spieces usually controls - us, mere mortal, men - as you control the poetic presentation of ideas. ta muchly, Nick.

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