The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Free Shaker Aamer

Free Shaker Aamer,

The last Londoner in Guantanamo

Ten years of detension,

Is where American taxes go.

Obama promised,

Said he'd let those people go

Just goes to show,

Doesn't matter which side of the coin you throw,

To torture with no charge, is where your taxes go.


Free Shaker Aamer,

Cos it's the right thing to do

Sign the petition,

If you think human life has value.

He faces no charge

So take him out of the human zoo,

Back to British soil,

With his family that miss him too.


Free Shaker Aamer,

Cos beatings and force feedings are vile,

Only non-supporters

I've heard are racist or infantile

While in the meanwhile

What's the use of blind leaders with guided missles?

And the torture camps,

Full of those who've never stood trial?


Free Shaker Aamer,

Cos he's a pawn in the game just like us,

And one day it could be me or you in his hand cuffs.

So don't live on your knees, stand up,

Make a fist then put your hand up,

Free Shaker Aamer

Resounding from the ground up,

Free Shaker Aamer,

And all the innocent souls they round up.



Shaker AamerGuantanimofreedomrhymepolitics

◄ One for the couple at the back

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