Darwin versus religion
Survival of the fittest
Favours the pitiless
Favours the strong
But it is anti religious so how can it be wrong?
Where can I start!
The strong always eat the weak.
First law of the natural world
but we human’s are at its peak
we can think for ourselves
we have morality
we have a clarity a depth of thought
we can decide who we favour the weak or the strong?
The righteous or the plain wrong
The plain bad or the plain greedy
Or we can help the needy
We don’t have to follow the rules of the natural world
Or think inside the box
We can decide who lives who dies
Who survives and who thrives
This is part of humanity
The freedom of choice.
clarissa mckone
Wed 4th Feb 2009 03:02
HI Daniel, nice poem!Id rather be delusional, then Godless.Im glad God gave us the power of reason and thought, and guilt, when we do wrong.Im glad I was given freedom to feel and think as I please.Bonding in a family is very healthy, and bonding with other humans is good for you.good poem!