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My Whispered Goodbye

A whispered goodbye


Vitality nolonger mine

I seek to fill the rim
allowing its depths of darkness
to ask for answers
I can no longer seek alone

Waiting within this body of water

Shallowed breath
floresent lights in sight
hovering above

my taken body

Taking my last breath
to say goodbye

Self medicated once more
having been claimed


taken below

Seeking what I've done
asking myself if...

I Should have seen this coming?
foreseeing where my blood would soon wane


where the current would lead me to consume
Secured by the hands of many

which could never stop
the twister of emotions

That would coerce me
into drunken battles

I seek to fill the rim
allowing its depths of darkness
to smother me

Failing to identify
the addressed message surpassed

that had been

once handed
to me

hallowed inhalation
lights in view

Soon darkened by
the dissolution

which now dances above

taken possession
I've tried to depart


Benumbed already more
taken in having been pre-empted


taken below

that had been

once handed
to mebequeathed with the

desiccated by the disheveled
bloodstained waters

that I have found myself

Meddling for truth
behind what I have done

telling myself that...

I Should have seen this coming?

the delirious premonition
of where my blood
would cascade


where its river would lead me to swallow

my last breath

I had seeked to fill the rim
allowing adulterated restraint to take

The light now dim
my eyes lowered

I whispher...

My final goodbye


◄ Untitled

Untitled ►


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