The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Sacrifice

My Sacrifice

Your Drug Not mine

pursuing you amongst the many
you were soon mine

I gave myself to you
to be left behind

Searching the incite
of your neurosis

Tasting this upon lips

Seeing what was not clear

Drifting away

never forseen

A part of me has passed
within your hit

Living with regret

for having done this deed

Swiftly forgetting
what was once distinct

Advancing into this encounter

finding you amongst the many others
you were soon mine

Given myself to you
only to be left behind

Searching the cause
of your collaspe

soon breaking me like it has you

Smothered by the hit
which soon replaces


Finding you amongst mirrored shadows
you were soon gone

and left behind

Evoking the rationale
of its perpectual catastrophe

too late to see

its aftermath

never to notice you again

Preceding into this excursion

previously finding you here
next to me

Now a distant memory
left behind

anticipating the monster
that has broken me

Not my drug But yours

you found me amongst the many
I soon became yours

You gave yourself to me
only to be left behind

coursing to witness
this yet again

tasting this upon lips

Seeing what was not clear
a full circle forseen

Advancing into the encounter
finding you amongst
smoked filled mirrors

Lost from you


Conquered by its hit

Living the sacrafise
passed onto me

with a tainted kiss


◄ Untitled

A Needless Pain ►


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