The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Son Or Daughter

Son or Daughter

Blessed with having given life to
son or daughter

The seed handed down upon me
to grant you breath

which was instilled within me
by the hand above

impassioned to be graced with the
gift now given to you

You are forevermore part of me


will always be....

loved by me

Lightning crashes into earth
my path now destroyed
blinded by its undiluted deception

left without breath

I fall to mourn
the taken life

Blessed to have given you life
son or daughter

I've handed you above into
his heavenly light

enamored with spoken truth
a gift recently handed down to me

We will again be reacquainted

Lightning crashed into earth
my path destroyed
blinded by one's duplicity

fallen without breath

left to mourn our goodbye

To my son...To my daughter

You are forevermore part of me


will always be....

loved by me


◄ The Hate Within

The Beast Within ►


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Veronica Jones

Mon 7th Mar 2022 20:41

This one leaves me wanting to ask you a question that very well may lead to a lengthy one on one discussion over coffee 😃

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