my own private calvary
every lamppost begets a graveyard
a thick bottomed slice of burnt offerings
to the insect gods
upon seeing this the blackened birds drop
eating, now,
from a sugared spoon
the wind comes from nowhere and just holds me
a manly duality, with a laissez faire sexuality
and when it drops those birds settle on my
fingers and cough for my attention
far too many of them to mention by name
while fifty scented tea lights
choke their way past goading me
to rhyme that with…with what?
go on I dare you…just as I’d love
to sweep the hair from her face
but I can’t touch her, ever…I dare you
can you not tell a murderous shrew
from within a deep set dream?
yes there I learned your fingerprints
by heart, each sharp contour
sliced their relief into my face
drew sketches in blood
blood which now charges me with every crime
and holds me rapt
in the firm grip of uninvited intention
here I am
the last thief on the tree
shaving my own rusted crown
as the punitive pure picnic
at my feet