SHOOTING STARS by shane alexander we burn brightly at birth, deliverd by the universe, destination earth. The curse is,we dont burn forever, one by one,falling victim to the atmospheric weather. Although we fall from the stars together, some stars diminish quicker than others, deliverd back to heaven. Some stars think they burn for eternity, while other stars know theres no certanty. Thats why they shine bright, in this worldy limelight, and look back in highinsight when this life is over, so....Shine like a supernova, feel blessed the gods picked you to fall from the solar...
Sat 21st Feb 2009 10:45
The content of this poem is brillaint, makes you think. The comment from Elise is valid, I have to agree, on the page it needs, not necessarilly an order, a structure, but it needs better presentation. I think this one could be an epic, but the links make it sound a bit disjointed. If it were perhaps a little more fluid and flowin, it would provoke more than just a startle, it would jump out and grab you. Nice poem, needs a lil fine tweakin but really good.