The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


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How often in my life have I said


Take care


Stay in touch, though I know I never will

In the moment thinking, fuck it time will show

That Friends are just like falling leaves with a

Gust they come they blow 

That others will turn up to replace the ones let go


So why now am I feeling why now do I find

My mind keeps turning to those I left behind

New friends they arrive, just like friends                                           

From the past but somehow seem less

Noble each one from the last

Somehow less in value than the

Ones that they replace and

When I say goodbye I care

Less and less and less


I never needed friendship I

Didn’t ever crave to have a

Social circle to help me build my page

A collection of characters each one

Like the last to simply bathe my ego

Massage my wit my looks

Masturbate my platitudes

To help me fuck my wife

Tell me when I’ve had enough

Give such good advice


How often in my life have I said let them go

Thinking fuck it time will show

Those friends are just fair-weather

That friends will come and go.

My Friends are just like falling leaves

To trample under foot

That Friends are just an excuse to

Help me float my boat

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Thu 10th Oct 2013 15:50

Hey again and thanks, to be honest this was just a rant with very little thought or structure. It may not always be a good idea but I like to write quickly then just bung it on here warts and all. Maybe I did intend what you surgest but to be honest again I cant truly remember :) ps I do in many ways feel this way about friends and friendship

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David Blake

Thu 10th Oct 2013 15:41

I really like the first three stanzas and the general idea of the poem's message. I sometimes think less is more though, and think this could have been neater and more well-rounded if you were to lose a stanza, as there are a fair few lines which seem a bit like baggage (unless these were meant to be taken as a metaphor for some friends, if so, that's genius ;) )

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Fri 12th Jul 2013 13:09

Hi Richard,some good lines in this and I can see where you're coming from with the various 'types'of friends,etc. 'I didn't ever crave to have a social circle,to help me build my page',great emphasis on the correct value of the correct type of friends imo :)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 5th Jul 2013 21:34

friends should be the kinda people that,
-will die for you!
not the kind you mention int' last two lines.xx

nor a bunch of plastic american clowns
living on a cardboard studio set!

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