How many
How many
How many fathers will kiss their children goodbye as they sleep.
Then slip into the night. Never to kiss them again.
How many parents will live out long lives,
Knowing the curse of outliving their young.
How many wives will clutch memories to heart and medals in hand.
Instead of holding the husband they loved.
How many children will say “My dad was a hero”
When he’s not there to get them from school
How many dining room chairs will sit vacant at Christmas.
For the loved ones that never returned.
How many more tears will fall on sodden pillows.
For the people that war turned to ghosts.
How many more missiles will stray and miss targets
To find foreign children who hide beneath beds
Until politicians that wont battle their conscience,
learn that life,
is more precious,
than oil.
Ged Thompson/ Liverpool Poet and writer 12/08/13