forever more
I thought i was strong
but i fell into Darkness
not wanting to feel the rain upon my warm skin
walking an empty road
turning corners, running away from shadows in empty rooms
ever lasting love over thrown with a love for another
a game of two, you said you would be there
now alone in the darkness
not wanting to feel the touch of another soul,
keep me locked away
where no harm can be done
let my blood run cold
frozen in time within the memory
of when you touched me, you touched my soul
you took it away, you exposed my longing
a longing that needs feeding
now whom do i feed upon
whom do i sink my teeth into
whom do i drink from
as the claret that runs through me burns on into the moonlight sky
and i lay here, no feelings.. not wanting to feed
but the need is there
to feel your cold lifeless skin upon mine
is overpowering me
to slice through my skin to feel the pain all over again
over and over again
to be at your mercy your hands upon my throat
and your lips pushed against mine
your taste salty but ever so sweet
lost forever more...
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 26th Sep 2013 16:40
This has mood - 'not wanting to feel the touch of another soul'; 'a longing that needs feeding' etc. very powerful imagery. At least I think it is 'poetic' imagery.
There are many good ideas, but I did start to flounder through them a bit. I think this has the symbolism approach of Indian poetry, but I'm not sure. Maybe it is the 'gypsy' effect I see in the picture that influences me, recalling 'gypsy' origins.