Words fall cheap to unhearing ears. Some, if not most books, digital and broadcast media will disappear into the future without a receptive audience. Sad.
Would they have listened, then?
Would they have listened, then?
when his voice gone cold
His words a faded digital imprint.
Without the aid of compassion or curiosity
Just as dusty tomes decay in musty
poorly lit aisles - a dour recollection.
Even in such libraries, he remains
a wall flower wilting, petal to petal
waiting with a thousand others
watching, sightless; zoomed out, muted:
wailing in their upright agonies
crucified on cold walls until they too
fade and peel with time's passing.
And as they fall upon the cheek of
unfeeling floor tiles, wonder woeful --
Who is there to witness their demise?
Poetry by Frederick Kesner
Written on 2013-09-17 at 23:33
Fri 27th Sep 2013 20:58
Poignant, especially when you think that technology as we know it today, will become museum exhibits in 10 years time. Will we go into reverse? I see they are bringing back the old Sony Walkman tape recorder systems. Books will never die. Thanks for questioning FK.