Chaotic Night Life
Life in the city starts at ten
With tanked up teenagers acting like men
Ladettes in skimpy skirts are all dolled up
Falling around in the road, having had too much to sup
The clubs are bustling, dance music rings out
The bouncers evict a fella acting like a lout
In the bars the booze flows like an industrial machine
And shouting and raucous laughter becomes part of the scene
Taxis pull up and the revellers alight
Into clubs they pour to dance throughout the night
A stoned courting couple spark up a spliff
One smokes too much, arguing after a rift
The clubs and pubs are heaving and the alcohol is supped
Then the bell is chimed and the establishment shuts up
Out pour the drinkers with drunken chatter
Some pass out in gutters too pissed to matter
Then arguments start and situations arise
Punch ups flare up resulting in blackened eyes
Everyone turns on one another over trivial matters
Police try to diffuse it all using threatening chatter
The worst for wear are brought by ambulance to hospital beds
Left to sober up, leaving holding sore heads
While the agressive and disorderly are slung in police vans
Locked up till morning to carry the can
The cleaners next morning clear up from the night
Collecting smashed glass,vomit and blood from a fight
Soon there are no traces of the night of bliss
Till the next weekend for the night on the Piss