Just Passing Water
They say the playing fields of Eton
Have given this nation so very much:
This current set of mental inbreeds
Who’ve lost the common touch?
They’ve taxed our beer, cigs and patties,
Expect us all to work some years longer
All in the cause and the name of making
Both us and the nation that much stronger.
They’re the one nation Tories;
Say we’re all in this together
But it seems it’s just thee and me at the
Bottom who are facing stormy weather.
For when daddy’s a millionaire
And you are in your own right
Whether to eat or pay your bills
Won’t cause a sleepless night.
What causes to me despair is
When you look at the other lot
It just seems to me they all
Piddle in the same damned pot.
So play Rule Britannia
And hum Yankee Doodle,
Dash to and fro across the Atlantic
In the role of America’s pet poodle.
terry ireland
Mon 7th Oct 2013 09:20
Thanks Ged