Red Shed Poetry Competition
Sole adjudicator: Michael Yates, Poet and Playwright
1. The competition is open to anyone aged 16 and over.
2. Poems should be in English, they must not have been previously published, nor be
currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
3. Poems must be the original work of the entrant, they must be typed on A4 paper and
be no longer than 50 lines. Each poem must be on a separate sheet of paper which
must not bear names or any other form of identification.
4. Entries must be accompanied by a completed application form and a stamped
addressed envelope. Entries cannot be accepted online.
5. Entries must be accompanied by an appropriate entry fee: £3 for first entry, £2 for
each poem subsequently entered.
6. Cheques (sterling only) must be made payable to Currock Press.
7. We regret that we are unable to return poems or enter into any correspondence
with entrants. The adjudicator's decision is final
8. The closing date is Thursday 30th April, 2009.
9. Copyright remains with the authors but Red Shed Readings reserves the right to
print winning poems. 10. Entries should be sent to: The Competition Organiser, Red Shed Open Poetry
Competition, 3 Sandal CUff, Sandal, Wakefield. WF2 6AU
Titles of poems submitted:
•1. ________________
2. ______________
I enclose a cheque (payable to Currock Press) for the sum of £.
Address: ___
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