THEATRE OF WAR (11/11/2013 –
If death is thought the ultimate
what price a part or two?
To be left as a mindless torpid trunk
the Elephant in the room.
And a limb’s not a limb – it’s a piece of shit
when blown into a muddy pit.
The scalpel only adds subtraction
in that theatre; sealing disconnection.
If death yields a hero – is life shame?
Return, with only self to blame?
Nobody trains a squaddy to die.
Is it all, a monstrous lie?
And a limb’s not a limb – it’s a piece of shit
when blown into a muddy pit.
The scalpel only adds subtraction
in that theatre; sealing disconnection.
If death decides who’s right, who’s wrong
why damage so much that doesn’t belong?
Set-piece ritual-slaughter by volunteers
would carry more honour, and fewer tears.
And a limb’s not a limb – it’s a piece of shit
when blown into a muddy pit.
The scalpel only adds subtraction
in that theatre; sealing disconnection.
If life’s so cheap to the leader-mind
and military pageantry so refined
let leaders do battle, as days of old.
We might choose more carefully; breaking this mould.
And a limb’s not a limb – it’s a piece of shit
when blown into a muddy pit.
The scalpel only adds subtraction
in that theatre; sealing disconnection.