Weirdly Localised Patch of Fog
Weirdly Localised Patch of Fog
Blistering temperatures fall
Under evenings chill spell -
Causing cardigan shouldering
Shivers; brisk arm rubbing.
I am disconcerted by a
Small but sure beginning;
This grim, weirdly localised patch
Of fog has settled in
A dusky valley, dipped between
The grassy meeting of
Two lovingly adjoining fields.
Imperceptibly, its
Solid nucleus leeches out;
Tentative grey tendrils
Shift cunningly over the plough;
Spooking, oppressive, cold.
Phantom’s gathering, death nymphs loosed;
Smoky, wafting, seeping.
Dusty, moth-eaten bridal veil
Cast over jilted ground -
Ashes vacating the lungs of
An Earth giant, exhumed.