Seasonal Hinterland
Seasonal Hinterland
Diamond drops of light
Fallen from leftover orange sunrise
Glitter the petals
Of doodled flower on red car bonnet;
Where childish finger
Traced rivulets in chilly, condensed dew
That will dry later,
Loopy petals fading out to nothing.
Sun, mounted half mast,
Squatting at pupil shrivelling level
Mourns the passing of
Bright early mornings and long easy nights.
Conversations with
Strangers in queues see us discussing the
Validity of
Switching the heating back on – now? Not yet.
Lawns at Axwell Park
Dotted with Canada Geese; S-bend necks
And quarrelling beaks
Guzzling the last of summers green shoots;
Break in migration
Before flicking choreographed V sign
At decay beneath,
Unmusical honking just audible.
Swans on glassy pond
Split floating islands of confetti leaves
With drifting white prows,
To gather near granddad and child, with bread.
Overgrown babies
Trail behind downy soft, ice white parents;
Signets almost grown -
Youth betrayed by sepia tinged feathers.
Fields, scalped of their corn;
Giant, acne pocked cheeks lying cut, stubbled,
Along the roadsides -
Harvested Samsons - tired, shorn of their strength.
Unhinged gate decays,
Rusty red oxide corrosion colour
Now no longer so
Incongruous against the dying greens.