Emily Loved Him
Emily Loved Him
Every time that bloody child finds
Some bit of old crap on the street,
It’s “Bagpuss! Big Fat Hairy Catpuss!”
As if I’m some giant pink oracle –
Who the hell told her that I have
The answer to everything anyway?
I’m perfectly happy dozing in my
Sepia toned world, but she keeps
Thrusting me into colour.
Wake up! Wake up! For pity’s sake,
Wouldn’t you spend most of your time
Asleep if you had to listen, day in, day out
To the splintery annunciations of
Professor bloody Yaffle?
Every time I have a thought, there it is;
Large as life inside a giant bubble –
My every private thought revealed
For all the world to see;
I can’t keep anything to myself.
A cat surrounded by mice he can’t eat,
A toad with a permanent frog in its throat
And a doll who I wish would’nt be
So sensible and moralistic. I think
Her curls must be wound too tight.
Besides, there’s no need to be so personal.
I’m not fat. I’m just big boned.