The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

"Peaceful Ukraine, Peaceful Maidan"

entry picture

Peaceful citizens in the peaceful Ukraine.

Peaceful hard hats on the peaceful heads,

Peacefully breaking the slavers chain

Peacefully fight and protest.


If one is not peaceful, there’s no place here.

Peaceful slogans and peaceful “Hooray”

Peacefully kicking without a fear

Those who happened to fall on the way.


All is so peaceful, so white and so fluffy.

Peaceful processions of peaceful fascists.

Peaceful Bandera with peaceful torches.

Peace is around and peaceful bandits.


When morning is foggy and night is dark

Peaceful Maidan is a peaceful shark.

Peacefully has tea, demanding cheese

Peacefully asks: Clean the loo, please.


Peacefully hate and provoke brothers

Peacefully put in jeopardy mothers.

Everyone who’s out of Maidan’s riot –

The gang, the junta or just an idiot.


Oh, peace! You thought it’s a cheerful song,

The Sun, hugs, flowers and happy smiles?

You are certainly wrong, as long as

Peace today’s with a malice and biles.


Peaceful Maidan, neither sows nor it plows,

Peacefully fiery mixture it blows,

Peacefully blocks the streets. Don’t agree?

You’ll be peacefully hang on a tree.


Once a good word “Peace”

Happened to be the gees.


© Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 26th of January, 2014







◄ My Long-Suffering Ukraine

No, I Am Not! ►


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Lynn Dye

Sun 26th Jan 2014 22:19

Good one, Laura.
Thinking of you in these hard times. Hope you are keeping yourself safe. xx

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John Coopey

Sun 26th Jan 2014 22:11

Stay safe, Laura.

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