Tales from the bucket
The tale of the bucket with the easy swing handle
If I should have a field
then I would build a shed
when in it I could yield
ideals within my head
I would have a window
I’d point it at the ground
the shed itself erected
from the things that I have found,
like a door
and the galvanized sheets from another shed
that’s not a shed no more
and a roof that never was a roof
and a floor that’s no a floor
and a latch that latched in silence
like it never latched before.
And I’d have a metal bucket
and I’d make the bugger ring
by standing in the corner
an’ pissing in the thing.
If I had a Field
and in it stood my shed
and in it I was standing
my ideals within my head
pissing in my bucket
who would know?
"It’s my fucking field"
By Vinty Kneale