Layer upon layer
of gold leaf and enamelled jewel dust
held weightless on paper wings.
Entangled in spiders’ webs,
I found their bodies folded,
vampired and hollow.
I unfolded the canvas
found their painted wings,
laid them on red velvet
inside a heart-shaped box.
Butterflies, soul-birds
probed into my heart,
uncoiling their threads of silvered wires
with gentle enforcement
asking me questions,
I have no answers to.
All is locked.
All is trapped.
Sleeping on red velvet
Inside a heart-shaped box.
The box lay unopened
within your warm hands.
You looked deep into my eyes,
held my gaze
and asked me questions
I found the answers to.
Vampired, hollowed
as I was.
Lifting the lid
you breathed so gently as
not to disturb
the sleeping butterflies,
fragile wings on
red velvet,
You said,“Oh wow.”
It was enough.
Deb R.J. May 08
Anthony Emmerson
Thu 26th Mar 2009 13:21
Hi Deborah,
There were several things I enjoyed about this piece - its superficial simplicity - hiding a deeper message, the use of "vampired" as a verb, and a nicely rounded ending. Good stuff.