The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Only Once the Spring Comes

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Only once in a year the spring comes,
Only once all gardens blossom
And all around looks awesome.

That was in the blooming spring,
In the delightful evening,
When my love was singing.

His words were just priceless,
I believed him with lightness,
I thought it was my happiness.

Only once we meet our spring,
Only once our love bells ding,
A sweet breeze in the air sing.

The stars fell softly on the ground
I thought my love I had found
The wedding would come around.

I didn’t hide my happy eyes,
I didn’t hear my mother’s cries,
I didn’t believe in any lies.

Only once you wait for that spring,
Only once you hear a nightingale sings,
Only once true love happiness brings.

But …, it happens sometimes,
He’s met another one
And she was a charm.

She was beautiful and brave.
Comparing with her I was a slave,
Ready to live even in a cave.

Her love was an early maturing,
As it often happens in spring,
When all around blooms and sing.

There was nothing here to do,
Her love was also true
And I was certainly blue.

She bravely crossed my way.
I have nothing more to say.
My love will come another day.

I am sure another spring will come.
It will be the only one and awesome.
And all around will again blossom.

Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 8th of April, 2014


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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 14th Apr 2014 22:43

Great to read your comment, Roy!
Thank you so much!
Best wishes,

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Roy Chetham

Sun 13th Apr 2014 09:54

Great to read something beautiful and normal amongst all the doom, gloom and weirdness.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 10th Apr 2014 21:37

Thank you, dear Lillian, for commenting and understanding.

With warmest wishes,

Larisa <3


Thu 10th Apr 2014 19:35

I could feel your sadness through this poem. I thought the writing was quite impressive. I enjoyed the way you expressed the emotion in the poem but still managed to keep a kind of pattern to your stanzas. Also, I thought that your connection to spring really pulled the poem together and made it very interesting to read.

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