The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


This is no movie, no fictional story,

It’s life, nothing more nothing less,

People come people go,


And as the forgotten fades away

The memories are left behind,

The things I swore would be remembered,

Have left, and know I’m lost,

Looking for your face in a sea of big waves

I forgot I’m drowning,

Wishing that I knew you were okay,


Cause time keeps passing us by, slips from our hands

And so does who we were, those memories, that time,

When you were my world, my everything,  

Cause the days turn to weeks

It seems every step forward turns to ten steps back

As I remember those whispering words I wish you had said


And as the rain falls on this winters day  

And the wind blows carelessly through the leaves, I think of you,

And still don’t think I could ever be happy knowing those days are pictures you broke and forced me to throw away.

◄ Sad Story


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