The Government Standard
The Government Standard
The band didn’t want to play,
They didn’t want to march
Through streets paved with
Gum and fag butts and poverty,
They didn’t want for glancing
At bloodstains from a
Previous night’s brawl,
They didn’t want for none of it
At all,
But as soon as the note
Struck, they knew their place,
Knew of nothing else
That a Northern town could want,
So they marched
With broken back
And broken nose,
And kept their tears close,
(none letting on to Whitehall,
Each hurt they endured),
Broken backs and broken
Nose, broken bones
From broken homes,
Broken children
Forever young,
Never knowing
To the fullest -
How maturity grows,
A major of drums
And miner at sea,
Swallows the tide
As it climbs further than he,
And he’s feeding his children
The dreams of the past,
Knowing full well
Nothing but lies and deceit
Are to last,
Deep within,
Deep down in the recesses of mind,
They’re imprisoned inside,
Staying in time forever
Five years of age,
Having taken the belt
And the buckle – and all -
Government hand-outs,
They’re living extremes of
Close to the knuckle,
And five is all they’ll be
In their lives,
Where arrested
Development from teachers
At play; makes retards of all
For being born -
Northern and poor,
The band - play on,
Carrying their memories
Like elephants of old,
And the trombone and
Horn and bugle
And drum,
Beat a rhythm
And melody that poverty knows,
And they played it before
A hundred years ago,
And unfurling their flags
As the kids stand in rags;
They’re crying
The tears;-
Of a five - year old.
Michael J Waite 18th May 2014.