Not all men
Not all men are like those guys
Who stare at you, undress you with their eyes
But I can't tell when I look at you
Which one you are or what you might do
Maybe it's that you just want to talk
But I've done that before and ended up stalked
Shouted at, made scared, often harassed
The worst thing for you is you might be embarrassed
If you think I reject you, are judgemental or mean
But you'd understand if you had seen
What happens if you talk to the wrong sort of man
If you want to help then you really can
Step in if you think someone goes too far
And we will know who you really are
Help make things better, so we can all be free
But it doesn't help just to say it's not me.
Tue 17th Jun 2014 09:49
Thank you :)