The Slow Boy
The teachers told him not to dream too big,
That his talents lay somewhere other than Arithmetic,
That English would never be so kind,
As to reveal its secrets to his young mind,
That History was better served,
By someone who could steer its curves,
That Science was a distant star,
So he shouldn't try to reach too far.
Maybe because he was so slow,
He didn't listen to them blow,
But took the time to figure out,
What being smart is all about,
So he wasn't fast or quick of wit,
But he gave each subject every bit,
And now he walks out on the stage,
To graduate and turn the page.
It's amazing what the boy achieved,
When he failed to listen, but believed.
But what could that boy have accomplished,
If they'd fed him hope instead of nothing?
So remember the slow boy's tale,
About a kid who would not fail,
Who tore down their silly walls,
Who took his time and showed them all.