'To All Poets & Artists'
I would like to say 'thank you' to all of you, who visit my site, here at 'Write Outloud' I enjoy the ‘feedback’ both positive and negative, so please keep it coming.
I would also like to take, this opportunity to say, 'thank you' to those people, who have been 'warm' and 'generous' with their comments, and opinions, towards my work.
If you are one of those people, who have read my profile, you would have noted, that I have had, to say the least, an eventful life, so far.
I am note a vain man, I am a realist, which is why I treat my cancer, as more of a companion, rather then an enemy, you should not 'piss off' your enemies, which is why, me and my cancer get on, on a 'day to day' basis.
I keep winning the battles, however, I am at present, in remission, once again, making this the third time, in less then two and a half years, but I know, in the end, that I will loss the war, but life could be worse, I am 50 this year, there are millions of people in the world, who don't make to their first birthday, so, to me, I am a lucky man. (eventhough, deep down, I am scared, I wouldn't be human if I wasn't)
Anyawy, if anyone wishes to talk with me, about 'my life' or 'theirs' past, present, and yet to come, or feels that I maybe able to help them, 'advice wise' due to my 'PHD' in 'The 'School Of Life' you may ask of me what ever you wish, and trust me, you'll get a honest answer.
I live with tremendous regret, but not guilt, with reference to my days as an addict, and the things I did, so, like I said, you will always get complete honesty with me, so if you don't like the answer, its your problem, not mine.
Once again, 'thank you' to everyone, who has given up, 'their precious time' to read my work.
Take care & be happy, may 'your god' be with you.