Her Ivory Skin
Her ivory skin I ne’er saw nor touched
She being very real appeared to me
On a screen of black and white sound;
A mere photograph moving
Coerced by the lightest of dark magic
I have seen her as many characters
I have seen her and grown old
When I was a child her thin limbs and black hair
Attracted me in each role
Against her I am but a disgrace to my gender
A gender portrayed as angelic and bold
Bold, perhaps
If I could but cut my spirit from my soul
By hard and hankered knife
Release a blood that in her would be the same
In her ivory skin I could remain
Of all the people her skin hath folded over
The writer- passionate and rare
A scene of books old and attics strewn
With paper thoughts and fancies-
Would undoubtedly set me afire
But to walk as her;
In her;
Not about her or below her
Not beneath the floorboards
Stretching fingers to her toes
Even as the voice interpreting these thoughts speaks
Her voice is the ink and ebony of this paper
And I am the puppet attached to the strings
That pour from one master who has played as all
I could live a lifetime writing solemnly
As the bones entangled and moving
Beneath her ivory soul