They take their tablets
This crowd
Of electronic
Pill poppers
Naked without
Their portable window
Swallowing nothing
Around them
And everything
Brought to them
Through their digital screen
Locked in
Strung out
Hooked all the same
A demented generation
Connected by invisible
Trawling towns and cities
Airports and motorways
Countryside and forest
Robotically reliant
On a world
Of movies
And earthquakes
And games
And news
Anything other
Than the real picture
Planted before them
As the machine
Blossoms more and more
Portholes and portals
Disguising the potholes
Drawing the mechanical people
Further and further
Its web of
The spiralling future
And though I'm
No technophobe
I know about
And how they catch flies
As do we
Thu 7th Aug 2014 18:03
You know, I wrote this poem and then lost it. A click of the wrong button. Almost gave it up but thought I'd come back to it. I was worried the line you quoted might read too forced but I couldn't resist it