Paul Blackburn, UFO killer
Paul the UFO has either flipped upside down (relative to Earth at least), or, has caught fire.
Can you see the afterglow? Paul you are in slow motion, drawing out the
pain of impact, your soul has been evacuated to the insides of the
spinning, hoovering machine and yet you destroy it. It was just a
spring cleaning UFO trying to dust you down and play you into shape.
Behold and kneel to the Poetry King Paul, for mash get smash.
Chris Dawson
Tue 13th Apr 2010 00:17
I think it's very cruel to draw everybody's attention to Paul's 'accident' with the UFO .... you can see by his pained expression that he's desperately upset by it all ... the knowledge that he wiped out all those tiny alien lives is very hard for him to live with y'know!