Cali Trip
Cali trip: day -- ...I've lost count. Californian grit seethes like a begging hunt. No spark too fast, too agile to avoid capture, exploitation, destruction, incorporation. Hot like a wound pulling to heal; the fault lines clenched in fevered fall. Live like our legacies speak as we step into the room. Perpetuate the class of human disposal; the reliable weaknesses of insufficiency, of stature and proof. Sex, like time, ruling our futures without release. Submit to the world, dominate your ever-presence. Madness and mystery of the road's unknown starting to kick-in. A system of slaughter burrowed within the killing nature you cannot escape. Those that take without conscience, and those I love always furthest from grasp. No deed can redeem the darkness; nothing but honesty can set us free. The truth will always blossom the zeal of entropy. The torture within is our future without. Let the dream create our home, a world wished of by dogs and butterflies, by innocence and true love.