Life's Lost Sense of Direction
Walking through lost lucid sense of direction
Feelings seem sporadically stagnant at times
Wishing and hopeful, line of less looseness
Mucky muddle misses points momentarily
Researching rational reasons for ridiculousness
Searching for some sort of sense of serenity
Serenity sets sometimes but for some reasons so unclear
Insanity insists but sanity seems so insane during so many instances
Water flows indecisively indirect, indecisive indirection I guess
Purpose painful periodically pursuing personal pain
Seeking a serene understanding of complete consciousness...
Of what reality really is....
Purely, present, past and future
Trusting in trust's treacherous double edged sword
Single swooping slices seem so simple yet precise
Seeking strong serenity in simple understandings
Hoping for mended strength in small stagnant simple mindeness
Working rigorously relentlessly for rising radiance
Conquering the unintentional unavoidable avoidable mess
Hoping in a faith of honest understanding of what I do not know
Knowing that what I do not know is not a reflection of what I am
Believing in what I might not believe
Having an undying faith in what cannot be..
seen..heard.... understood... a blissfull peace
I will .... I will .... I must