The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Mean

The Mean


Keep your cruelty in a box

Take it out an pass it round

Like a parcel no-one wants

A bauble that hides a blade

Gilded with septic intent

Where wound gives birth to wound

And every word you say

Smears its shitty hate

Purposefully contaminates

Because you’ve got to have your way

Dominate what you survey

Occupy the higher ground

But the Moon has stuck around

And the tide is too far in

And I know that you can’t swim

And I will not fight my grin

My laughter is a life-buoy and I cling

…and watch you drown

I could have helped keep you afloat

But the box you keep your cruelty in

Is a leaking one-man boat


Keep your cruelty in a box

Take it out and pass it round

Pretend that it’s a gift

A trinket or a toy

Just a tasteless joke

At somebody’s expense

But with a serious design

Absurd words to undermine

Prompted by motives most malignant

Take joy in all that you inflict

Pray the situation’s pregnant

Your libellous labours

Will surely deliver opportunity

For your bottom lip to quiver

For all to bear witness

To all that you “suffer”

It’s not cause and effect

It’s bluffing and bluster

It’s a blistering plan

It’s a box for your cruelty

The enterprise of one man


Keep your cruelty in a box

Take it out and pass it round

Wallow in its stink

And then deny all sense of smell

Protest that you’re a victim

Fold the corners of the facts

Build a turret of offences

Make a draw-bridge of your tongue

Declare how you’ve been wronged

A fucking woe-begotten song

Bolstered by well-practiced lies

“It’s the truth.  Look in my eyes”

You’re not worthy of despising

A dry old turd that flies

Flat out refuse to land on

Your chastising is as pathetic

As your attempts at being tough

And I have more than had enough

Of the way that you behave

Beware that box you keep your cruelty in

It’s made to fit your grave


And as for my cruelty?

My cruelty is this –

I wish you every facet of life, relentless

I wish you happiness

A place to take solace

With each breath – clarity

And I mean it.

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Andy N

Wed 22nd Apr 2009 14:04

i enjoyed this at freed up, steve.. asks a lot off questions which is always a good thing too

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