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The Cathedral

As beautiful as it is I wonder

just how many homeless people could have been sheltered

just how many starving children fed

by this century's worth of gold and grandeur

housing and feeding a God who needs neither

and who couldn't care less where you prayed.

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Harry O'Neill

Mon 17th Nov 2014 21:49

I understand where you are coming from with this (I feel similarly with the money spent on
all this space stuff.

However most of the Cathedrals date from the middle ages and Wikipedia says that relief of almost all of those wants you speak about at that time were provided by Christianity (and - even today - it manages 26 percent of the worlds health care facilities (largely in poor and developing countries)

One difference between secular and Christian `show houses` is that -unlike the secular piles - the poor could always go and pray in the Cathedrals (and at least enjoy the decoration)

Maybe Shakespeare `got it` when he made Lear say `Perish the need!`

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Laura Taylor

Mon 17th Nov 2014 14:02

Great short piece - punches right to where it should.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 17th Nov 2014 11:55

I love this Natalie. this is how I would have spaced it, please don't be offended at my suggestions, it's just another point of view.

As beautiful as the cathedral is,

I wonder

How many homeless people could have been sheltered there?

How many starving children fed?

by a century's worth of golden grandeur, spent

to house and feed a god who needs neither,

who doesn't care where we pray.

I really like your work, but always think sparsely. Imagine you're paying for the words.



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